Ana Opungu - Media Communications

I am a second-generation fruit of the Bible translation work in Balangao, in the mountains of Northern Philippines.  I was born with a hole in my heart with little chance to live but Mother prayed, “If you let my baby live, I will give her back to you.” Glory to God who answers prayer!

When I was little, listening to Bible stories in my own language gave me the opportunity to know God. After hearing Matthew 28:18-19 in high school I committed myself to follow God whatever He said. I went to college, got a degree in Agriculture, and found a job but life was meaningless. I cried to God to show me what to do.

Eventually, I went to a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Discipleship Training School (DTS). God claimed what belonged to Him upon birth and made me fully His own.  Beginning in 1994 I had the privilege of serving Him in my own country, in East Asia, and now in Papua New Guinea.

Thank God for giving me a husband who also came to a relationship with Him while translating God’s Word into his own language, Mekeo. With our two children we are serving in BTA with the desire to see Papua New Guineans have God’s Word in their heart languages in order to give them a chance to read it.

What compelled me to join the Bible translation ministry were the words of Jesus, “Freely you have received, freely give.” God's Word is life-giving. I owe God my earthly life because He answered Mother’s prayer but nothing compared to the knowledge that I am going to live with Him forever afterwards. None of these would have been possible if God did not speak to me first in my language.