Mara Iyama (Language Programme Coordinator for Highlands)

Before I joined BTA I was a literacy worker. I worked among the approximately 28,000 Gadsup- speaking people, situated in the mountains of Eastern Highlands Province near Yonki Dam, the largest dam in the country. I served the Gadsup people for the last 35 years and I’m still working with adult literacy classes.

I was selected to attend STEP course in 1994 and completed my training and joined the staff in 1998. God has allowed me to train Gadsup men who are now involved in Literacy work among our people.

We are now working on the Gadsup Old Testament Bible.

In 2000 I became a full BTA member and worked with BTA/SIL in literacy training.

Now I’m serving as a Gadsup Literacy Coordinator, Gadsup Translation Point person, STEP and LLEAD Course Vice Principal and BTA- Language Program Coordinator for Highlands Region.

I’m married to Asi and we have three children. The Lord blessed us with one grand daughter who is eight months old.

It’s my honour and desire to serve the Lord in Bible Translation and Literacy among the Gadsup-speaking people, Highlands Region and PNG under BTA. It is my desire to be a blessing to Gadsup speakers so that they can also be a godly influence to surrounding tribes.